Durban War Games Club



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Overall Combined League
Warhammer 40K 2024 League
Age of Sigmar 2024 League
Horus Heresy 2024 League
Kill Team 2024 League
Blood Bowl 2024 League (trial)
The Old World 2024 League (trial)
Adeptus Titanicus 2024 League (trial)
Warcry 2024 League (trial)

Scoring Information

How League Standings are Calculated

The overall league includes Warhammer 40K and Warhammer Fantasy. For each game system that a player participates in, they will have a separate entry in the league. This is to ensure that a player's bad scores in one system doesn't drag down their overall score. This also encourages players to try take part in multiple systems, as it gives a better chance to well in at least one of the systems.

A player's score on the league is a score out of 100. This score is made up of 3 categories, as detailed below. A player's score can increase past 100 from bonus points being awarded.

These scores are calculated separately per game system, and are relative only to the other players in that same system. So playing with an unpainted Warhammer 40K army will not affect a players hobby score in Warhammer Fantasy, where they might be always playing with a fully painted army.

1. Generalship Score

The generalship score counts for 40 of the total points. This score is calculated using the ranking system as detailed in this page. The person leading in generalship will always have the maximum 40 points. The score out of 40 for all other players is determined by how far away from the leader they are in generalship points. For example, if a player is only 1 generalship point behind the leader, they could easily be awarded 39.6 points (depending on how many other players there are and their positions).

2. Hobby Score

The hobby score counts for 20 of the total points, and is broken down further into painting and WYSIWYG, each counting for 10 and 10 of the 20 points respectively. Each of these scores is determined by the percentage of a player's total games played fully painted or fully WYSIWYG.

Example: Player has played 40 games. He has played 20 of those games fully painted, and 30 of them fully WYSIWYG. This will give him a painting score of 5 out of 10 and a WYSIWYG score of 7.5 out of 10, for a total hobby score of 12.5 out of 20. These scores have been included to try encourage players to get their armies painted and to play their armies as is rather than trying to proxy models as something better. This also rewards players for giving more attention to their hobby, even if they are not the best general, or not fielding the most efficient army.

3. Social Score

Individual League Social Score

The social score counts for 40 of the total points and is broken down further into games played and unique opponents, each counting for 10 and 30 of the 40 points respectively. Games played scored is based on a percentage of the games played relative to other players, so the more games played, the better the score. The person with the highest game count will always have 10 points for the games played score. The unique opponents score is determined by how many other players a player has played against. If a player has played against every other player, that player will have a full 30 points. These scores are a throwback to previous league systems we've used, as is there to try encourage players to get more games in, and to try play against different players.

Overall Combined League Social Score

This score is calculated slightly differently than for the individual leagues. Instead of maximum score of 30 for unique opponents, the maximium unique opponents score for a given individual league is determined by the number of players participating in that league relative to league with the highest number of players.

Example: if we assume the 40K league has 40 players (the highest number of players in this example), the AoS league has 20 players, and the HH league has 10 players.
The highest possible opponents score for 40K will be 30 points, the highest possible opponents score for AoS will be 15 points, and the highest possible opponents score for HH will be 7.5 points.

How Generalship Standings Are Calculated

Every player starts with 200 rating points, and your rating point total can never go below zero.

At the beginning of every game you compare the rating point difference between the two players on the following chart:

Point Difference Rating Points
37-49 13/19
50-62 12/20
63-75 11/21
76-88 10/22
89-102 9/23
103-116 8/24
117-130 7/25

The first number in the Points column is the points that the winner gets and the loser loses if the higher rated player wins. The second number is the points that the winner gets and losers loses if the lower rated player wins the match.

In case of a tie, the higher ranked player loses half they points they would lose as if they had lost. The lower ranked player gains half the points they would have gained for a win. If both players are exactly the same, or within 5 points of each other, then both players gain half what they would have gained for a win.

Gavin plays Colin. Gavin has racked up 260 rating points after 5 victories, while Colin has lost 5 straight games and now has rating points of 140. The difference between the two players is 120. On the chart this indexes to 7/25.

This means that if Gavin wins:
Gavin's rating points = 260+7=267
Colin's rating points = 140-7 = 133

Should Colin pull off the upset win:
Gavin's rating points = 260-25 = 235
Colin's rating points = 140+25 = 165

Should the coaches tie:
Gavin's rating points = 260-13 = 247
Colin's rating points = 140+13 = 153